
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Introduction to Research Objective

During the Cold War period, many 'hot wars' were fought. Although the Soviet Union never really fought directly with the USA, its main enemy in the Cold War, both the USSR and the USA frequently sought to challenge each other through 'proxy wars'. In these 'proxy wars', allied nations (with less influence than the USA or the USSR) would clash with each other, and represent their side (USA/USSR) in the war.

Our project's purpose is to investigate:
1) the causes and processes,
2) the effects on individual nations, and
3) the effects on the overall Cold War balance,
that some of these proxy wars had.

We shall be working on the Korean War, the Vietnam (2nd Indochina) War, and the Soviet Afghan War. These wars lasted for a clearly definable and limited timeline (unlike the more complex Arab-Israeli conflict, for example, which spanned the whole Cold War) , occurred in a definable region, and have made a significant impact on the course of the Cold War and the Cold War participants.

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